Almost As Good As Chocolate


I was talking to a film-buddy last night. He was commiserating with me on a tough day I had professionally. The conversation meandered. He talked about friends and being there for each other.

Then he talked about his second year at film school. As a gay man, he got tested for HIV and found out that he was positive. He had a very good friend female friend and she was the only one he could talk to. His dad had just been laid off and he didn’t want to tell his parents yet and add pressure to them. He fell very ill. His friend sent him an email stating that she couldn’t handle it; that she could be his “fun” friend when times are good and could hang out with him and go to dinner with him, but couldn’t handle this.

He’s a great, positive person, and a wonderful friend. And I appreciate his being there for me.

Conversations like these put life in perspective.

Math test responses

A friend sent me these hilarious responses to math tests. Thanks for sending, D!

Note: I have no idea where they originated (he got an email forward). If you know, let me know and I will credit the source.

Update: Apparently at least some of these were posted on







UPDATE (on March 4th): Apparently, this post got “Stumbled”!! So, to make this blog more useful…

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Flame wars

The New York Times has an interesting piece on flaming.

Flaming has a technical name, the �online disinhibition effect,� which psychologists apply to the many ways people behave with less restraint in cyberspace.

In a 2004 article in the journal CyberPsychology & Behavior, John Suler, a psychologist at Rider University in Lawrenceville, N.J., suggested that several psychological factors lead to online disinhibition: the anonymity of a Web pseudonym; invisibility to others; the time lag between sending an e-mail message and getting feedback; the exaggerated sense of self from being alone; and the lack of any online authority figure. Dr. Suler notes that disinhibition can be either benign � when a shy person feels free to open up online � or toxic, as in flaming.

The emerging field of social neuroscience, the study of what goes on in the brains and bodies of two interacting people, offers clues into the neural mechanics behind flaming.

This work points to a design flaw inherent in the interface between the brain�s social circuitry and the online world. In face-to-face interaction, the brain reads a continual cascade of emotional signs and social cues, instantaneously using them to guide our next move so that the encounter goes well. Much of this social guidance occurs in circuitry centered on the orbitofrontal cortex, a center for empathy. This cortex uses that social scan to help make sure that what we do next will keep the interaction on track.

I would say anonymity exacerbates this even more. If being locked in your house, your face gleaming in the pale light of your monitor, deprived of all sensory feedback is not enough, add the ability to communicate anonymously into the mix. Even more dangerous. No wonder a lot of blog flamers are “anons”.


Socially artful responses emerge largely in the neural chatter between the orbitofrontal cortex and emotional centers like the amygdala that generate impulsivity. But the cortex needs social information � a change in tone of voice, say � to know how to select and channel our impulses. And in e-mail there are no channels for voice, facial expression or other cues from the person who will receive what we say.

True, there are those cute, if somewhat lame, emoticons that cleverly arrange punctuation marks to signify an emotion. The e-mail equivalent of a mood ring, they surely lack the neural impact of an actual smile or frown. Without the raised eyebrow that signals irony, say, or the tone of voice that signals delight, the orbitofrontal cortex has little to go on. Lacking real-time cues, we can easily misread the printed words in an e-mail message, taking them the wrong way.

Hmm… I think cute/lame emoticons and smileys, while they may “lack the neural impact of an actual smile or frown”, are better than nothing. I tried giving them up after reading Jai’s rant against them. But my emails felt lifeless. My IMs felt depressed. So, I’m back to the full barrage of smileys, winkeys, dinkeys, animaticons and emoticons. Hopefully that calms down anyone who feels the burning need to flame me. 🙂


Two pieces of information got me thinking about censorship in India — Niranjana’s post on banned books and news that the Government of India (GOI) was taking action against Neo Sports.

Let me restate – my Neo Sports post on their advertisements on the West Indies tour stated that I personally found the ads tasteless and borderline racist. I also stated that I don’t think racism was the intent behind them. And that I thought it was silly for a company to build a brand using the ad since it offended a section of their customers.

Today, Srini very kindly updated me (thanks, Srini!) that the Information and Broadcasting Ministry headed by Priya Ranjan Das Munshi has slapped a show cause notice on the channel asking it to explain itself.

What?? The way this should be moderated is by the market. If the public expresses their dissatisfaction to Neo Sports, that’s fine. If their shareholders hold them accountable, that’s fine. The Information and Broadcasting Ministry is redefining its bounds by overstepping them constantly. They’ve banned the Gandhi YouTube video, they briefly banned all domains, and they banned AXN Channel for showing “The World’s Sexiest Ads”.

Er, hello? No one is being forced to view any of these. Hate the YouTube video? Don’t watch it. AXN is a private channel that users pay for. If they don’t like the show, they will stop subscribing. The GOI has no business being in the censorship business – if they want, they can be in the ratings business. Slap an X or R rating on things, but let the consumer choose. Repeat after me, Mr. Priya Ranjan Das Munshi – the market, the market, the market.

Here’s what I said to Niranjana –

The Indian Government is just insane. That’s why they ban things at the drop of a hat. It doesn’t matter what it is – books, movies, ads, whatever.

They are SO super-sensitive and want to avoid upsetting *anyone* that they ride roughshod over free speech. I think India is a terrible country to be an artist of any kind. You are subject to the whims of bureaucrats who are more concerned with not ruffling feathers than allowing artists to push the boundaries.

Aaargh. Yes, a pet peeve of mine…

Happy New Year (of the Golden Pig)

Golden PigHappy New Year to all my Chinese friends!

2007 is the year of the Pig, but apparently it is a special occasion where it is the year of the Golden Pig that only comes around once every 60 years!!

The Chinese are going crazy trying to have their kids in this most auspicious of years. If you want to try to squeeze in a kid in the year of the Golden Pig, don’t stress, it extends till the next lunar New Year, sometime in February of 2008. So, you don’t have to pop out the kid by December!

Shashi Tharoor on The Colbert Report

Shashi does a nice job. It takes him a couple of moments to settle down, but then he throws out a couple of zingers. Ah, Shashi, it would have been good to have you as the Secretary General!

And, no, I don’t know Shashi… but I still choose to refer to him by his first name. I find him sexier if I call him Shashi.

And Stephen, keep up the India focus – we like, we like!

Video via: SAJA

Are you a romantic?

Google v-dayOn Valentine’s Day, you can determine if you have “true romance and poetry” in your soul. Ready? Look at the Google logo on the left. Do you see the L?

According to Google’s Doodle creator, he didn’t forget the letter, the stem is supposed to be the L. If you don’t see it, don’t worry – most of the world is with you. If you do see it, congratulations.

And to all – I hope you helped the economy with cards, flowers and chocolate. Happy V-Day folks!

And thanks for the mid-day entertainment, Googe!

eBayers Blogging

ebay-logo-02There are quite a few eBayers who are blogging. Some still work there, some are happily enjoying retirement and some others still (ahem) are figuring out new avatars.

eBay was a phenomenal experience for all of us who were there. It would be great to stay connected with other bloggers from eBay.

So I put together a quick “eBay Blogs” wiki. If you are a current or former eBayer (eBay, PayPal or Skype) from any of our the global offices, please feel free to add your name to the list.

Would be great to see you all there!