TED 2007

TEDI should have been flying out to California today. The plan was to spend the weekend with friends and then head to TED on Tuesday. Very sadly I had to cancel going to TED this year.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is a conference that is described by attendees as “brain candy”. And it is. I remember my first TED. James Watson kicked it off. Almost every speaker is enthralling. Imagine four days hearing from amazing people – physicists, environmental scientists, chemists, writers, molecular biologists, environmental scientists, space explorers, land explorers, under-water explorers, filmmakers, architects, designers, Nobel laureates, video game designers, presidents, presidential candidates, heads of NGOs, researchers in every field, Oscar-winning producers, health policy leaders, sports stars, inspirational speakers, religious evangelists (and their detractors), adventurers…

The conversations are fabulous, the people are great. I will truly miss it. Next week when tons of friends will get together in Monterey, I will be in NY! Oh, then, there are the 3-minute talks, musical performances,… ok, I gotta stop! Or I will send myself into further depression. It is the right decision and there’s always next year…

Four days of mind blowing information, fabulous people, lots of friends – I always left refreshed, believing there is hope for the world. Have a great TED 2007, folks.

Photo from: TED website, which owns and retains all copyright.